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If your businesses website still does not offer a mobile friendly design and experience then you are undoubtedly missing out on web traffic and potential leads.

Delivering a mobile friendly experience for your users is now more important than ever. At the end of 2016 for the first time mobile internet traffic surpassed desktop internet traffic. This means if your website does not offer a mobile friendly experience you are neglecting over half of the users who access the internet.

Average Daily Internet Usage

Mobile first means designing an online experience for mobile users before designing it for desktop or any other device. This can then be implemented through responsive design or delivering a unique design for users on each device. Responsive design is most popular as it allows your website to automatically adapt to the screen size it is being viewed on.

Users accessing a website on a mobile device have very different needs and ways of experiencing your site than those on desktop. You have to make sure your content is easily accessible to those on mobile making sure they don’t have to pinch and zoom just to read the content they are looking for. Mobile sites also require intuitive touch friendly ways to navigate your website.

Websites that do not offer a mobile friendly version experience very low user interaction on mobile devices. It has become the standard for mobile users that a business offer a mobile specific experience.

Mobile Websites and SEO

If your website is not providing a mobile friendly experience, not only are you neglecting your mobile users but you are not making a friend out of Google either. Google has the ability to determine if your website is designed to provide mobile users with a friendly and optimized experience.

If your site is not designed for mobile then Google will not list your site to users who are performing searches on mobile. This means you may be ranking well for certain terms on desktop, but when the same searches are made on mobile your site will be nowhere to be found.

Remembering that over half of internet traffic is now on mobile, your business is losing out on the majority of internet searches made. 

How Do You Make Your Website Responsive or Mobile First?

If your website does not offer a mobile first experience then it is in need of a re-design. Depending on how your current site has been developed your site may need a full rebuild. Although this may be a major undertaking it is one worth doing. By not offering users a mobile friendly site you are alienating over half of your potential website traffic. You are most likely losing any interaction with your website from users who visit it on mobile. At Konstruct Interactive we can analyze your current site and provide you with responsive web design solutions.

We Can Help

If your website is still without a mobile first/responsive design, then the designers and developers at Konstruct Interactive can help. We have exceptional experience and knowledge when it comes to designing and building mobile friendly websites. We can help your business offer a website that will appeal to both mobile users and search engines. For more information on how Konstruct Interactive can help you please contact us at (587) 316-1681.

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Joel Messner

SEO Lead

Joel provides digital marketing and development services here at Konstruct Digital. He is knowledgeable and experienced in SEO, SEM, social marketing and various other digital marketing avenues. He has worked with local businesses and large corporations to help them grow their web traffic. He is fixated on the newest innovations coming to the digital marketing landscape.

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