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B2B Web Design Agency

A B2B Web Design Agency
That Delivers More Than Shiny Websites

Our B2B web design agency doesn’t just create striking websites; we create lead generation platforms that drive traffic,
supercharge sales teams, and overflow your lead funnel.

Google Partner
Mailchimp Partner

The Web Design Company You Need to Elevate Your Brand and Escalate Your Sales

A new website is only ever an expense if it doesn’t pay for itself by increasing leads and sales for your B2B business. Traditional web
design agencies charge you 10s or even 100s of thousands of dollars for a website that may look great but doesn’t support your marketing
goals. Let our marketing agency put the skills of our top content marketing, SEO, PPC, and web design talent together to deliver a
platform with the power to change your business trajectory

“Results” is Our
Middle Name

Other agencies create brochures; we create websites that support and drive our industry-leading B2B marketing strategies. The websites we create aren’t one and done but instead living platforms that we continue to build on and improve to keep your B2B business competitive and help you dominate your market.

We Make Brands Stand Out from the Crowd

Humans are visual creatures, and even among B2B buyers, aesthetics are key to differentiating your brand from your competitors. Don’t let your brand get lost in the shuffle. We design websites that elevate brands and create visually engaging and conversion-focused experiences to help your business stand out from your competitors.

We Are Complex Industry Connaisseurs

From highly-focused businesses with strong brand voices to national (and international) businesses with non-overlapping service lines, we’ve worked with a variety of specialized companies to produce high-traffic, high-converting websites despite their complex information architectures or subject matter.

Let’s Do Something Great Together.

No Busywork, No BS, No B-Teams. We Want to Be the Last Agency You Ever Work with.

See Our Web Design Projects for Yourself

There’s no better proof of our web design expertise than our previous web design projects in the flesh.

We Go Beyond Traditional B2B Web
Design Services

You say “web design”; we say “lead generation platform.” Why? Because a website that generates an impressive number of high-quality leads
more than just great creative. You need a growth marketing agency with expertise that goes beyond your website’s design and user
to build foundations that will set your B2B business up for success in the years to come.

A Branding Platform

Your website is the visual expression of your brand identity and first impressions of your branding can make or break your ability to drive conversions. We create websites with the intention of wowing your target audience so they feel compelled to continue their journey on your website (instead of competitors’ sites), learning more about how your products or services can meet their needs and exceed their expectations.

  • Extensive Brand Exploration
  • Captivating Website Design
  • Effective Information Architecture

An SEO Platform

A visually-pleasing website has limited value if your prospects can’t find it with search engines. At Konstruct, B2B search engine optimization is our claim to fame. With our SEO services, we can help you determine the exact keywords your target audience uses to search for your products or services and optimize your site, effectively boosting organic traffic from the people most likely to convert.

  • Impressive On-Page SEO
  • Results-Driven Off-Page & External SEO
  • Complete Technical SEO

A Content Marketing Platform

Catchy copy is great but it’ll only get you so far. We create websites that increase your share of voice, serve as a hub for promoting your thought leadership and expertise and demonstrate your superiority over your competitors. Our specialized team of B2B copywriters focuses on creating website content that not only emulates your brand voice but also helps you generate leads and delight website visitors wherever they are in the customer journey.

  • Enticing Landing Page Copy
  • Persuasive Blog & Article Content
  • Impactful Case Studies

A PPC Platform

You can waste a lot of money on paid advertising if your ads direct users to a website that doesn’t covert. That’s why our web design efforts are always focused on conversion rate optimization. We create websites that complement your paid ads and amplify the results of your paid advertising investments.

  • Comprehensive Search Engine Marketing
  • Results-Driven Paid Social Media Advertising
  • Enticing Display Advertising

A Sales Team Platform

Does your sales team prefer cold calling or answering the phone to a warm lead? When we create websites, we do so with the intention of making the lives of your sales team easier. We don’t just bring more leads to the door, but create website and marketing campaigns that warm up potential customers to your brand and make it easier for sales teams to build customer relationships that convert.

  • Seamless CRM Integration
  • Uninterrupted Lead Nurturing
  • Successful Sales Enablement

Get a Custom Proposal Based On Your Business & Market

The Best Marketing Decision You’ll Ever Make is Just a Click Away…

Whether we work together in the short-term, long-term or not at all, we guarantee you will be happy you took the time to speak with us.

A Web Design Process Supported by All of Our Expert Digital Marketing Teams

When you hire us as your B2B website design agency, you’re not just signing up to get a polished and professional site. You’re getting an
amalgamation of the expertise of our top marketers in the disciplines required to put your business ahead of the pack.

Start with Brand and Market Research

We kickstart your engagement with thorough brand and market research because you can’t build a strong website without a solid foundation.

Conduct Strategic SEO Research

We go beyond the purely brand-driven sitemap to surface new opportunities and plan for the growth of your business, ensuring that your website will continue to be a valuable asset for years down the line.

Write Killer Content

We produce content that not only perfectly articulates your brand but also sets your pages up for success on the most lucrative search engine results pages for your business.

Design Time

Now it’s time for the designers to work their magic. Our web design team creates stunning page designs that perfectly encapsulate your brand’s visual identity.

Develop Your Website for Future Success

Not all websites are developed the same. We build living websites that aren’t just frozen in time and focus on creating websites that can be easily consumed by users and search bots alike.

Migrate Your Website Minus the Risk

There’s nothing worse than launching your 6-figure website only to see it disappear from search. Ensuring that your website is everything gained and nothing lost is a niche skill set that is rarely met by creative agencies


With a creative agency, this might be the end of the road. For us, it’s just the beginning…

Most Web Design Agencies Care About Aesthetics, We Care About Results

No great website is complete without a little social proof. Take a look at the results that we’ve driven for our clients with our web design services.

Our Website Design Expertise is Your
Secret Weapon

Although we’re more than just a professional web design company, we’ve also got the expertise you need to create a website that really
wows your prospects, customers, stakeholders, and executive team.

Landing Page Design

Other agencies think that landing pages are step 2 in a user’s journey, but we know that’s often not the case. Your prospects typically land on individual service pages first before they know anything about your company and the unique value that you offer.

At Konstruct, we create landing pages that tell the full story while providing offers that appeal to users at any stage of the funnel so that every prospective customer will feel compelled to take the next step in their buying journey.

Conversion Rate Optimization

You don’t want a website that leaves your users lost meandering around your pages and confused about how to contact you or request your products or services.

We can help you intentionally craft the ideal user journey throughout your website to keep users on the path to conversions. Our websites make it easier to convert visitors into customers by guiding users to contact you in as few steps as possible.

Martech Integration

A website can’t live in isolation (unless you’re content with spending thousands of dollars on a product that will forever be an expense, rather than an enabler for the growth of your company).

To create a website that continues to drive value, it needs to be tightly coupled with the rest of your marketing ecosystem. That’s where we come in.

The Digital Marketing Expertise You Need to Turn Your Website into a Marketing Machine

We’ve produced brand-focused, high-converting, high-traffic websites for clients in all of the following B2B business types so you can feel confident trusting us with your website.

B2B Digital Marketing

When it comes to B2B sites, the experts at Konstruct are tough to beat. We know B2B marketing inside and out and have an abundance of B2B success stories to show for it.

Industrial B2B Digital Marketing

With more industrial & manufacturing decision-makers using the internet to vet vendors, you need a web design and development company that knows the market inside and out.

Franchise B2B Digital Marketing

A successful franchise website depends on a carefully strategized site structure and a robust local SEO strategy. Let us help you reach your target audience across all of your different locations.

eCommerce B2B Digital Marketing

The demographic of people with B2B purchasing power is changing. We’ll help you meet their expectations by enabling customers to transact online rather than having to go through the traditional sales process.

B2B Shopify Digital Marketing

We know the Shopify platform like the back of our hands and can help you leverage Shopify as your marketing platform to help you boost online sales.

B2B SaaS Digital Marketing

The SaaS industry is in a constant state of flux. We’re the agency you can trust to build a flexible website that can be easily modified as the industry evolves and changes.

B2B Enterprise Digital Marketing

A website with thousands of pages is a significant undertaking. Luckily, we have the systems in place to streamline the process so you’re not stuck waiting years for your new site.

Account-Based Marketing

We’re trusted by B2B sales teams across North America to create websites that help them nurture prospects and entice new clients currently beyond their reach.

B2B Tech Marketing

The key to a successful B2B tech website is agility. We have the expertise required to create agile websites so that your business can stay competitive in the tech space.

Konstruct Vs. Other B2B Website Design Companies

We’re not like your average web design agency (and we don’t want to be!)

They Focus on Shiny, We Focus on Results

A shiny new website is great, but oftentimes it’s treated as the end of the road rather than the start of your marketing journey.

We create websites that support greater success for your business, including more traffic, leads and sales and report on the metrics most critical to your business goals so you can see the fruits of your investment.

We Unlock Marketing Budgets, They Create Expenses

Companies don’t increase marketing budgets around creative. It’s easier to pitch a CFO on a platform with positive ROI rather than a website that will forever be an expense.

When you’re pitching a Konstruct website, you can pitch a platform that pays for itself and then becomes an essential part of your overall marketing strategy, helping your business increase sales for many years to come.

We’re Focused on the Future of Your Business

Our end game isn’t your website, it’s the future success of your business. That’s why we create websites that are built to support your growth rather than keep you locked in stagnancy.

We look at your business’ future and work backwards to ensure that your website will remain a relevant and valuable asset as your business grows and evolves.

The Best Marketing Decision You’ll Ever Make is Just One Click Away…


“At the start of this engagement, Konstruct Digital didn’t have much experience with our industry, but they have proven to be quick learners. I’ve been an engineer for 40 years, and now I sometimes think they know more than I do.”


“Konstruct Digital has been outstanding in terms of project management. We have weekly calls and they always update us on their progress, plans, and everything they’ve accomplished so far. This makes it incredibly easy to work with them. ”


“They really know what they are doing. I know some companies talk the talk but don’t walk the walk. Konstruct on the other hand delivered.”

“They spend a lot of time trying to understand the client’s company in order to create a better product for them.”

“We have found this relationship to be organic, educational and fun. They align well with our values as a business and continue to always put the client first in their decisions.”


“Konstruct Digital does good work, and they deliver within your budget and schedule.”

Force Heavy Equipment Repair LTD

“Their huge knowledge is the most impressive thing about them. They listen carefully to our goals and stick to our budget.”

EverLine Coatings and Services

“They genuinely care about how people feel about our company. Their team captured the heart of our organization and portrayed that in our website design and social media posts.”

How to Choose a B2B Design Firm

Before assessing different web design companies, it’s important to really consider your goals for your new website.

There are many impressive creative agencies out there that can help you create a website that is truly a work of art. However, when you choose to work with these agencies, may run the risk of having a website that is difficult to update, incompatible with future marketing endeavours, or worst of all disappears from the search engine results pages that were driving the most organic traffic to your site.

If you want your website to be a key asset for your marketing strategy and a tool that can help you increase the share of voice of your business online, you need a B2B web development agency that goes beyond web design. One that can build a website that will serve as the backbone of all of your marketing and growth efforts today and in the years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Makes a Good B2B Website?

  • It perfectly encapsulates your brand identity through both the design and the copy.
  • It has compelling content that speaks directly to the key decision-makers in your industry and their pain points. 
  • It drives ample highly relevant organic traffic from people at all stages of the sales funnel. 
  • It is built specifically to drive conversions by making it easy for users to get the information they need. 
  • It amplifies the results of your paid ad campaigns. 
  • It supports the ongoing growth of your business.  

Let’s Drive Impactful Results Together

Why is it Important to Hire a B2B Web Agency?

The second users visit your site, they’re judging you–it’s the nature of consumers. If your site doesn’t have a professional visual design, enticing copy that speaks to their exact needs, or conversion points that make it simple for users to take the next step in their buying journey, users will likely go back to Google and click on the next ranked site without looking back. At the same time, if you haven’t sought the help of B2B SEO specialists, your target audience might not even find your site at all. 

An expert B2B design agency will help you build a site that keeps your audience engaged, converts visitors and builds customer loyalty while driving the most relevant organic traffic to your site. 

Sure, you might be able to build a new website in-house. But, partnering with an agency focused on results with a proven track record of B2B web design success will ensure that your website will not only be a visually appealing representation of your brand but an asset that with support your marketing efforts for many years to come. 

How Do You Improve B2B Website Traffic? 

When it comes to B2B businesses, increased website traffic shouldn’t always be the goal. The wrong traffic can lead to an abundance of low-quality leads, and no one wants that. What you really want is more high-quality traffic from the key decision-makers most likely to be interested in your products or services with the budget to back it up.

The most effective ways to drive high-value traffic to your website are with SEO and PPC. B2B SEO specialists can help you assess the most lucrative keywords for your business and help you optimize your site to rank at the top of the search results for those keywords. B2B PPC specialists can help you assess different ad options based on the places where your target audience is most active so that you can start driving relevant traffic to your site instantly.

Let’s Talk About Accelerating
Your Business Growth